Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2010

Bible scholars on Post-modernism

Icy is a furry

Like he thinks he's a Lion or some shit. Link

Post modernism? lol

Truth doesn't exist? What nonsense. That's the kinda stuff you say in school during discussion time in class when you want to impress your teachers how deep you are.

No truth means everybody can make up their own truth, and thereby their own morality. Which leads to all kinds of disgusting things, if you look around and see how far the gay agenda has progressed, how kids are having sex at younger and younger ages, teen sluts, rampant internet pornography, the most vile stuff being celebrated out in public, and if you don't like it, well you're just an intolerant bastard then!
First it was homosexuality, next is bestiality and pedophilia.

There can't be man made morality, or there can, but what couldn't be justified under the guise of science or for the "greater good", population reduction, mass killings, and all kinds of anti human things.

Why the Bible though?

Why should you believe such an old book?
Look at prophcy.

Montag, 25. Oktober 2010

Forum post

This guy is gonna get banned.

Mothman Ban Might've not been a just ban, maybe he travels a lot and has to play on a shitty notebook.

Montag, 18. Oktober 2010


It is the strict equivalent of the Christian cross, which the believer displays prominently and at all times in order to ward off the forces of the Devil. And just as the Christian has a set of stock phrases that he is ready to mouth off whenever the need arises (the prayers), many of which can fill up entire pages or even entire books, but all of which, after you peel away all the layers of absurd dogmas and retarded arguments, basically boil down to "Please God do this for me",

Of course you would say this you fool, you have no idea what Christianity is about, much like all the other so called "Christians" and "Preachers" out there. It is not about glorifying yourself, but GOD ALMIGHTY creator of all things, since everything was created in his glory and for his pleasure only.

There is no hope in hedonism.

You are hunting for pleasure but you'll never be able to quench your thirst. Only God can provide you with the gift of real contentment.I see you are already growing tired of normal life, having to escape, be it virtual words or moving across the earth, you get temporary satisfaction, until you become restless again.

the tl;dr version being that I get so completely and utterly bored of life if I stay somewhere for more than a few months, that I begin verging on extreme depression (etc)
Also you experienced such an extreme version of boredom that you have been drawn to criminal activities, also I have felt this calling to crime, but I was able to resist the urge, and turned to Christ. I know this feeling, you want to own, destroy, wreak havoc, dominate. All this is just an indication that your sins are taking more and more control of you and that God is about to fully give you up, but there is hope!

Plus it was extremely interesting, challenging, fun, etc. Crime in general is extremely fun -- I would be doing it even if I were not being "paid" (lol) to do it. That's in fact exactly what J.G. Ballard said at one point, that we are coming dangerously close to a society where the only way to avoid dying of boredom is to indulge in crime and atrocities. (..)
This is very true.

Even if icy would convert

He'd be too proud to admit it.

Did you know Nietzsche was a Satanist?

It's true, he was member of the satanic OTO, one offspring of the Mystery Babylon religion.
His name is listed in one of their manifestos.

When the Lord is coming soon he is gonna do away with all that filth, and also with you Icy.

Who is Icy?

He runs the best videogame and philosophy site on the net.
You should check it out.

Icy, you should read this

Your filthy sins are going to take you to hell, you are guilty of glooming pride, theft and fornication.

Have you even read the Bible, I guess not, here are some great reports on the nature of God and Jesus:

Icy, you are going to hell

Repent now!
You write the best stuff on videogames and art, but you reject Christ, because you are buying into Nietztsches lie about the slave origin of the religon.
You will split hell wide open when you die, and God will laugh at you.


In this blog I'll try and preach to the smartest guy on the internet: icycalm.